Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Dumping JMS messages from a Weblogic 10.3.6 persistent store

Load you environment

[weblogic@morenji ~]$ source /home/weblogic/10.3.3/user_projects/domains/morenji_domain/bin/

Then launch the Webogic's store utility

[weblogic@morenji morenji_domain]$ java

List the available filestore in a given directory

storeadmin->list -dir /home/weblogic/store
INFO: Stores in directory /home/weblogic/store :

Then open the filestore

storeadmin->openfile -store ESB_JMS_DEFAULT_FILESTORE -dir /home/weblogic/store
<Oct 1, 2013 5:28:21 PM CEST> <Info> <Store> <BEA-280008> <Opening the persistent file store "ESB_JMS_DEFAULT_FILESTORE" for recovery: directory=/home/weblogic/store requestedWritePolicy="Cache-Flush" fileLockingEnabled=true driver="wlfileio3".>
<Oct 1, 2013 5:28:29 PM CEST> <Info> <Store> <BEA-280009> <The persistent file store "ESB_JMS_DEFAULT_FILESTORE" (b654b79e-9c67-4ca7-86c0-f0ea5582c915) has been opened: blockSize=512 actualWritePolicy="Cache-Flush(single-handle-non-direct)" explicitIOEnforced=false records=803.>
INFO: Store ESB_JMS_DEFAULT_FILESTORE opened successfully

And proceed to the dump

storeadmin->dump -store ESB_JMS_DEFAULT_FILESTORE -out store.xml -conn –deep
INFO: Dump from ESB_JMS_DEFAULT_FILESTORE to store.xml successful


storeadmin->close -store ESB_JMS_DEFAULT_FILESTORE
INFO: Store ESB_JMS_DEFAULT_FILESTORE closed successfully

And quit 

EXIT: done

You will now have a XML (store.xml) containing all the messages in your persistent store. Anyway they are dumped in hex so they are not straightforward to read. At Oracle support is available a sample java code to extract the actual content and print to stdout.


  1. Please can you give me the Oracle Support ID for the "sample java code to extract the actual content and print to stdout"

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